Next week is Beta week!
That’s right all, the HK beta is ready to drop. Next week all Beta-backers and above will get there first taste of Hollow Knight in action. With the week set, you’ve just enough time to play your Metal Gear Solids and enough time for us to cram in a few last minute features.
We’ll announce the exact day in another mini-update coming later this week, along with some nitty-gritty details on the Beta.
The Beta will be handled through Steam, with steam keys sent out to all Beta-backers. We want you to tell us about any bugs you encounter; yell at us if bosses are too hard; share your experiences on Twitch and Youtube. We want to hear your thoughts in every way you can give them! As fans of the genre and of Hollow Knight, you guys are the perfect test group and we’re interested in your feedback beyond all others.
Send all that feedback through to We’re determined to create a game that all of our backers are proud to have supported and it’s only by listening to you guys that we can make that happen.
Beyond you guys, we’ll be sending keys to a few members of the gaming press and some supportive Youtubers, who were awesome enough to spread word of the game to their followers during its Kickstarter campaign.
Stretch Goal Smashed!
Get ready to visit the Colosseum of Fools. You guys did it! We teased it last update and can now confirm that all players will be able to visit the Colosseum; battle its ferocious champions and discover it’s disturbing secrets.
While the Colosseum is now confirmed, there are more stretch goals still in sight. Expect to hear more details on those mysterious silhouettes in an upcoming update.
PAX Australia!
October 30th to November 1st is PAX Australia, held in Melbourne and Team Cherry will be bringing Hollow Knight along! Hollow Knight was selected alongside 5 other fantastic looking titles for the Australian Indie Game Showcase. If you’re in Melbourne for the event, make sure to swing by the booth, play the game and say hi. We’re planning to wear blazing red Team Cherry T-shirts so, with any luck, you can’t miss us.
Though the HK Beta’s stealing all the attention for this update, don’t worry! The rest of Hollow Knight’s development is progressing smashingly. Hallownest is now a vast and colourful place and we’re still getting lost running across it (too lost! We’ve gotta get this game finished!). Here’s a small glimpse at some recent additions:
The Royal Quarter of the City of Tears was once home to Hallownest’s fanciest types. Even after all this time, some residents remain, though they’ve not dealt well with the Kingdom’s collapse. The Royal Quarter is one of the late game areas and the team is busy getting this area dressed and ready for it’s enemies to be placed within. After that’s completed, we’re moving on to the stretch goal locations: the Hive, the White Palace and several others we won’t mention the names of for fear of giving too much away.
Hive Bug
Meet the Flukeman! These mysterious wormy types have several surprises in store, which you’ll discover for yourself when you brave the journey into the wetter areas of the world.
The portly Hive Bug is a poor infected being that’s been overtaken by a giant hive. Just look at him run! He’s a cowardly sort but fiercely protective of the buzzing swarm that lives within.
Wowzo! That’s it for today. Beta-backers, keep your eyes out for that next update. Everyone else, expect lots more really soon!