Heya all, Hollow Knight update time!
Day of the Devs
Hollow Knight was recently selected by video game legends Double Fine & Iam8bit for their Day of the Devs event. The event is an all indie, all free, one day extravaganza of gaming held in San Francisco. Our fantastic PR, Marketing, Game-Launching genius Matt Griffin was there to show off Hollow Knight.
The demo went smashingly. No crashes the whole day (All that bug fixing paying off!). One attendee even managed to overcome the False Knight. A huge feat given all the bustle on the show floor.
Thanks so much to the whole Day of the Devs crew for all their hard work and an extra special thanks for Hollow Knight’s VIP bar-side placement!
Game Feature Tease
New Game+ ?
If you’ve followed Hollow Knight’s development and its Kickstarter campaign closely, you’ll know one feature we aren’t able to include (but would love) is a New Game Plus mode. New Game + normally means a harder, remixed version of the game that starts the player with their previously gained items and powers.
Though we’re unable to provide a New Game Plus mode for Hollow Knight (at least at release), we do have a very special mode that unlocks after you complete the game (It’s also much simpler to test than New Game Plus). It offers players a different and challenging way to experience the game, with some new rules and new surprises along the way (Unique dialogue! Unique NPCs!). There are of course achievements tied specifically to it, so if you’re a true completionist, you’re going to have a lot of game ahead of you!
Script almost Done
Wow, what a huge job this turned out to be! We’re just now polishing off the last of the text, which is coming in around 20,000 words! That’s a big script and a lot of words for just two people, especially given we’re already full-time on getting the rest of game polished up. A funny thing about the script: You can finish the game without seeing much of it. There are a tonne of hidden characters and dialogues in the game. For those that love digging for lore, expect plenty to be uncovered.
Quick Team Update
Ari is sorting out those last few gaps in the script, alongside game-testing and constant polishing of the world.
William is ploughing through a mountainous list of his own polish-tweaks and fixes, also doing lots more boss balancing (some of these bosses are skewed ultra-ultra-difficult)
Dave is hooking our unlockable mode into the menus, making mirrors (it’d be a huge spoiler to explain this one!) and digging his way through more small bugs and fixes. He’s also constantly optimising code across the whole game.
That’s us accounted for, and that’s Team Cherry signing off for now. All the very best. Team Cherry Out!