Hey everyone, once again we’ve got a whole bunch of news to share. As Zote would say – “Barama!” (rough translation: let’s get this over with)
Hidden Dreams Release Date
This is the immediate big one! Hidden Dreams will now go out to all players on August 3rd. In classic Team Cherry style, this is a little later than we said, but we felt the update needed a little more testing and fine tuning before we send it out. Plus, we may have managed to squeeze a few little unannounced surprises in there!
Thanks for being patient with us, we really hope you all enjoy descending back into the kingdom of Hallownest and hunting down the new secrets!
Hollow Knight at Summer Games Done Quick
SGDQ 2017 was another great event, and this year we had the honour of Hollow Knight being run there, thanks to speedrunner Ourolen (https://www.twitch.tv/ourolen)! What a smashing success this was! Congratulations to all the runners and many thanks to the whole HK running team. Here’s Ourolen and the HK crew in the thick of it:
If you missed out on the event, you can watch Ouro’s full run here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeHHpcI4OXw
And a follow-up to this: If you’re not already aware, Hollow Knight has an incredibly active community on Discord, with dedicated channels for speed-runners. If you’re interested in giving speed-running go yourself, or just want to talk Hollow Knight, head this way: https://discord.me/hollowknight
More Languages
Languages just keep on coming! Japanese and Italian are just about ready for release. We can confirm Italian will be arriving alongside Hidden Dreams on the 3rd, with Japanese to follow shortly after.
This is about the highest honour a game can receive, and these are now happening in many crazy ways. Here are some recent popular mods.
Lightbringer: http://www.moddb.com/mods/hollow-knight-lightbringer
Ever feel like your nail lacks range? Like you’d rather impale enemies with a spear of light? Lightbringer changes out your attacks with all new blade/lance/projectiles.
Glass Soul: http://www.moddb.com/mods/hollow-knight-glass-soul
This one’s just insane. Glass Soul gives you only 1 health to complete the game, yet people play it! And love it, apparently? If you’re one of the slim few that thought Hollow Knight needed extra challenge, then this is the mod for you!
Coming this weekend (22-23rd July) is AVCon, our hometown of Adelaide’s very own anime and videogame convention! Team Cherry will be there, showing off Hollow Knight and taking part in a couple of panels. If you’re in South Australia and planning to attend, swing by the Indie Games Room and say hi!
Fan Art
So that’s all for now until we release Hidden Dreams, so let’s close this update off with some more incredible fan art!
Ronan Lynam with the cutest little tableau over on instagram: www.instagram.com/ronanlynam
HK going all grown-up and intimidating by Jumodafoca on deviant art: http://jumodafoca.deviantart.com/art/71-691259213
@glazly on Twitter brought out the physical media for this fancy Marissa fan art.
@mungya_s also on Twitter is keeping the cute in HK.
And last for today, this pair of adorable crocheted knights by Rachele Hansen @demonchibix They’re looking so snug in their little knitted cloaks.