We’ve done it! Team Cherry survived our first PAX Aus!
The event was a smashing (and exhausting) success. Not only did we get to mingle with an inspiring community of other indie devs, Hollow Knight received unanimous enthusiasm from the hordes of players throughout all 3 days.
Beyond that, we met with a whole bunch of press and even managed to sneak out and play a few games ourselves (Cuphead! We love you, but your bosses have too much health!)
Hollow Knight drawing crowds
Team Cherry in good company, between Hacknet and Lupinball.
Here are just a few of the articles and interviews from the show:
IGN’s interview with William:
Tech Geek’s interview with Ari:
Tosche Station’s Interview with William, where William says ‘like’ a lot:
Check (and follow!) our Twitter @TeamCherryGames for many more.
New Trailer
Watching those PAX interviews made us quickly realise how dated the online footage is for Hollow Knight, with most outlets still sourcing shots from our original 1 year old prototype. To fix this we’ve cooked up a new trailer featuring gameplay from the latest Unity build. We’ve dubbed it our Ferocious Foes Trailer and it shows off a slew of new enemies, several that we’ve never before revealed.
Check it out!
New Site
Alongside the new trailer, we’ve built a brand new and super snazzy landing page for Hollow Knight at There’re features, screenshots and links to nice articles. Go check it out. We think it’s pretty neat.
You might also notice, we’ve switched our Pre-Order system over from PayPal to Humble Bundle. Going ahead, we’ll be working with Humble Bundle to distribute both game keys and bonus add-ons (sountrack, manual, comic, etc). It also means DRM free versions of Hollow Knight will be available to those who want them. For anyone who’s already Pre-Ordered or Kickstarted, any keys/digital content will come through as an email from Humble Bundle, though we’ll give you a heads up beforehand.
And speaking of keys, the last note to talk about is release which, though getting closer, is still a little ways off. Enemies are almost finished (There are over 70! Plus bosses!); the environment is fully traversable and Backer Ghosts and Warrior Spirits are going in now. Even still, there is significant testing and polish to be done and that’ll likely push release into 2016.
That’s not something we wanted to happen, but we’d rather take the time and deliver you an excellent game than rush to deliver a lesser product. Please be patient with us and we apologise to all those eager to play the game that you aren’t already doing so.
In our next update, we’ll be featuring one of the game’s big bosses! And we’ll be spotlighting some of the backer assisted ghosts and warrior spirits. Here’s a sneak peek of just one ghost now:
Marissa the Butterfly is the ghost of a famous entertainer and musician in the Hallownest capital. The concept and dialogue for the character were submitted by Marissa Brice. Thanks Marissa!
And thanks again everyone for your support and enthusiasm! Team Cherry out! :)